David Zigdon
CEOProf. Gadi Schuster
Scientific DirectorUri Dorman
ChairmanProf. Ido Itzhak
Deputy Scientific DirectorProf. Dror Noy
Director of Biotechnology DepartmentDr. Andrea Szuchman-Sapir
Director of Nutrition & Natural Products DepartmentProf. Martin Goldway
Director of Plant Sciences DepartmentHaya Rak Yahalom
Director of Northern R&DOri Ben Herzl
VP Business DevelopmentRiva Levanon Gordon
Office ManagerMoran Levi
Director of FinanceProf. Snait Tamir
Representative of Tel Hai CollegeRuth Shushan
Operation ManagerMor Arbel
HR ManagerProf. (Emeritus) Dan Levanon
Emeritus Scientific DirectorProf. Uri Marchaim
Director of the European Division
Uri Dorman
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Prof. Eliezar Shalev
Avner Zamir
Eli Cohen
Board Members
Prof. Itamar Shalit
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Segev Yerovam
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Ronit Badler
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Amos Levin
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig
external organization application and position company information and more external organization application and position company information and more
Supreme Scientific Board
Our Scientific Board sets MIGAL’s research policies and provides strategic counseling and advice on future directions. It also monitors conduct and scientific progress, makes scientific recommendations and authorizes the establishment of new research units and the hiring of new researchers. Its members include:
Members of Scientific Board: