
To establish a scientific Biotech and Aggrotech power station based on our plant science research, and distribute our knowledge and know-how to the scientific, educational, industrial and agricultural worlds

We live in a challenging era that presents us with significant problems to solve. The world’s population is increasing by 100 million people a year, thus requiring plant science to provide solutions for global food security. 

These solutions are all the more challenging as they have to be delivered while the climate is changing, water quality is decreasing and there is almost no vacant land for agriculture. Science, however, has developed smart and exciting tools to face these issues.

The Cutting Edge of Plant Science
Head of The Department of Plant Sciences

Prof. Martin Goldway

Molecular Genetics in Agriculture

Our main research subject is pollination and fertilization in Rosaceae - apple, pear, apricot, loquat and plum, are all cultivated in our region, the Upper Galilee. In Rosaceae self-pollen is rejected by the S-RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) fertilization system. Therefor cross pollination between cultivars is essential for fruit set. We are studying the GSI mechanism, the flower physiology and pollination, including the addition of bumblebee, in related to yield quantity and fruit quality.

Lately we are also studying Avocado pollination and fertilization in order to further understand its fertilization system and identify new cultivars for the Israeli orchard.
Another area of our research is ripening of climacteric fruits. The research focuses on the molecular and physiological impact of the agent MCP1 which inhibits ethylene response and thus prolongs storage.

The plant sciences department at MIGAL is dealing with a range of significant targets including:

  • Improving the nutrition value of plants
  • Genomic introgression of wild local species using genomic technologies
  • Pollination and fertilization mechanisms for yield increase
  • Developing new remote sensing methods for plant research
  • Understanding stress tolerance
  • Improving fruit storage through genetic editing


We believe that deep understanding and knowledge lead to innovation. The department’s research groups are operating in an intellectual and friendly environment with the goal of training and educating our students to excellency. 

The plant sciences department at MIGAL is dealing with a range of significant targets including:

  • Improving the nutrition value of plants
  • Genomic introgression of wild local species using genomic technologies
  • Pollination and fertilization mechanisms for yield increase
  • Developing new remote sensing methods for plant research
  • Understanding stress tolerance
  • Improving fruit storage through genetic editing


We believe that deep understanding and knowledge lead to innovation. The department’s research groups are operating in an intellectual and friendly environment with the goal of training and educating our students to excellency. 

Department Research Groups