
Bioinformatics and high-throughput genome sequencing have revolutionized all aspects of biological research, from viruses to trees. The Bioinformatics and Genomics (BioGen) center in MIGAL and Tel-Hai aims to facilitate an easy access to high-throughput sequencing and data analysis to researchers from all fields of life sciences. 

The BioGen center is currently operated as an internal service unit which also leads independent research and development in bioinformatics and genomics. The BioGen center is happy to establish collaborations with researchers from all institutions and will offer services externally in the future. 

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The Bioinformatics and Genomics Center
The Bioinformatics and Genomics Center

The bioinformatics and genomics center activities and services are divided between two branches: 

The Genomics branch manages all the molecular biology aspects in a project, including the development of protocols if necessary. The Genomics branch strives to increase capacity and reduce costs, thus the branch dedicates significant efforts to developing new methodologies and protocols to advance genomics research across fields and organisms.

Sequencing and other genomics services:  

  • Development and application of special protocols for DNA and RNA extraction
  • quantification and quality control
  • Preparing library for Illumina sequencing
  • Oxford Nanopore - library preparation, sequencing and analysis for a variety of DNA and RNA applications.
  • Pacific Biosciences – sample QC , (library preparation and sequencing are outsourced)
  • Preparing and managing outsourced sequencing


The Bioinformatics branch is responsible for developing bioinformatics pipelines and tools, and assisting research groups with data processing and analysis. The BioGen center has developed several pipelines and tools for the analysis of various NGS applications in the cloud environment, which maximize computational efficiency, reduced costs and accessibility to the user. The Bioinformatics branch is also offering targeted training for research staff and students in specific topics of interest. 

Bioinformatics services:  

  • Consulting and assisting in planning your genomics project
  • Instructing students and researchers in data analysis upon demand
  • All bioinformatics services
  • Adjusting existing technologies to your biological question 
  • Development and application of private workflow in the cloud environment:
    • Bulk RNAseq
    • De novo genome assembly 
    • Genome annotation
    • Variant calling  



Dr. Ari Meerson

Genomics branch, Head
Research Interests:

The Meerson group studies the molecular and genomic basis of chronic diseases, with a special focus on the function of microRNAs, short RNA molecules that regulate gene expression and are involved in a variety of biological pathways.  Specifically, we are interested in:

1. MicroRNAs as a mechanistic link between metabolic disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases

2. Discovery of microRNA-based biomarkers of disease in body fluids

3. Transcriptomics of reproduction and development in vertebrates

4. Novel applications of Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology

A picture of Dr. Ari Meerson on a visit to a museum in Stockholm

The bioinformatics and genomics center activities and services are divided between two branches: 

The Genomics branch manages all the molecular biology aspects in a project, including the development of protocols if necessary. The Genomics branch strives to increase capacity and reduce costs, thus the branch dedicates significant efforts to developing new methodologies and protocols to advance genomics research across fields and organisms.

Sequencing and other genomics services:  

  • Development and application of special protocols for DNA and RNA extraction
  • quantification and quality control
  • Preparing library for Illumina sequencing
  • Oxford Nanopore - library preparation, sequencing and analysis for a variety of DNA and RNA applications.
  • Pacific Biosciences – sample QC , (library preparation and sequencing are outsourced)
  • Preparing and managing outsourced sequencing


The Bioinformatics branch is responsible for developing bioinformatics pipelines and tools, and assisting research groups with data processing and analysis. The BioGen center has developed several pipelines and tools for the analysis of various NGS applications in the cloud environment, which maximize computational efficiency, reduced costs and accessibility to the user. The Bioinformatics branch is also offering targeted training for research staff and students in specific topics of interest. 

Bioinformatics services:  

  • Consulting and assisting in planning your genomics project
  • Instructing students and researchers in data analysis upon demand
  • All bioinformatics services
  • Adjusting existing technologies to your biological question 
  • Development and application of private workflow in the cloud environment:
    • Bulk RNAseq
    • De novo genome assembly 
    • Genome annotation
    • Variant calling