Enabling Project

Project Active

Project Active


Contact: Prof. Uri Marchaim, uri@migal.org.il

The main goal of this Horizon 2020 project is to support the spreading of best practices and innovation in the provision (production, pre-processing) of biomass for the Bio-Based Industry. In particular, ENABLING aims at creating appropriate conditions for the development of efficient biomass to Bio-Based Products and Processes value chains.

ENABLING is the initiative of 16 partners in 13 EU and associated (Israel and Norway) countries. The main goal of this Horizon 2020 project is to support the spreading of best practices and innovation in the provision (production, pre-processing) of biomass for the BBI (Bio-Based Industry). In particular, ENABLING aims at creating appropriate conditions for the development of efficient biomass to BBPs (Bio-Based Products and Processes) value chains. 

ENABLING is based on the consortium’s vision that the biomass to BBPs value chains can enhance economic growth, a sound management of natural resources and positively contribute to job-creation in the regions and countries where they can be deployed.

ENABLING project participants

ENABLING plans to develop a Community of Practice (stakeholders) that will lead to a permanent and structured brokerage platform enabling cooperation and development of biomass streams for the BBPs at European scale. Members of each country will collect best practices and innovative ideas, making it available to the public. The knowledge and information the project will collect on Biomass-BBPs innovation pathways will enable farmers on the one side and BBI industries on the other side to match and develop innovative products and practices. It will develop brokerage events on a special platform that will help both farmers and industries to reach each other.
The projects' website:  Newsletter link>   

ENABLING Project ends after 36 months of active engagement in the Bioeconomy


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 774578.

