Project Active
Contact: Mrs. Ruti Shushan
European Researchers’ Nights in MIGAL has taken place since 2007, highlighting the impact of research on our daily lives. These events promote researchers' contribution to our society by displaying their work in an interactive and engaging forum. Meeting researchers and discovering the fascinating work of science in a fun and interactive environment.
European Researchers' Night is part of Horizon 2020 program. This Europe-wide initiative powered by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions hosted by MIGAL since 2007. MIGAL scientists and collaborators from nearby industries and start-ups in the Galilee are presenting science and technology to the public and inspiring a new generation of researchers. Researchers’ Night events aim to engage the public in celebrating the latest and most innovative research at a local and an international level. MIGAL events are part of over 350 events taking place in 27 European countries including Israel.
European Researchers’ Nights hosted by MIGAL are a public free event dedicated to engaging the public in contemporary science, cutting edge research and to display MIGAL’s initiatives.
European Researchers’ Night is a program funded by the European Commission and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.