Bacteria can rapidly adapt to the constantly changing environment by the acquisition and evolution of new metabolic pathways. Research in the lab is aimed at understanding and characterizing this outstanding ability at the molecular level. We would like to apply the acquired knowledge to various fields, from understanding the complex interactions between a pathogen and its host to the engineering of microorganisms for the production of renewable energy. We use knowledge and methods from the fields of microbiology, biochemistry, protein engineering and evolution to understand the processes and to apply them in the most efficient and environmental friendly way.
Ph.D. 2009, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel,
M.Sc. 2004, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Academic positions
2013- Head of Molecular and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, MIGAL– Galilee Research institute.
2010-2013 Post-doctoral Research fellow, lab of Prof. Shelley D. Copley at the University of Colorado at Boulder