I am originally From Kfar Vradim in the western galilee of northern Israel. I lived in Qiryat Shmona during my studies for a bachelor’s degree in animal science at Tel-Hai and loved the area. After a few years of working in the field, I decided to pursue a master’s degree at Tel-Hai and do the research work at MIGAL.
At MIGAL, I’m researching the effect of the Black soldier fly on the composition of fungi in its surroundings, using various molecular and statistical tools.
I chose MIGAL for a few reasons. Having studied under many of the MIGAL researchers during my bachelor’s degree, I became curious about their work and wanted to “dip my toes” in science and lab work. I was also excited at the idea of discovering new things that were not known before. I knew from friends at MIGAL that there would be researchers from a wide array of fields and that the atmosphere would be productive and very friendly. Finally, the proximity to Tel-Hai college and possibility of staying in the north of Israel were appealing to me.
I would say, the deep sense of community and collaboration among its researchers. I have asked many researchers from different labs for advice about methods and tools for my own research and was always met with a smile and willingness to help. Everyone has a unique way of seeing things and an open mind which helps me expand my horizons and think in new ways.