Project Active
Contact: Prof. Uri Marchaim Emeritus, Prof. Dan Levanon
SCOW (Selective Collection of the Organic Waste in tourist areas and valorisation in farm composting plants), is a 3-year European project (2013-2015) funded by the ENPI CBCMED. SCOW’s goal is to define an innovative and sustainable bio-waste management system through effective collection and waste treatment. Decentralised small-scale composting plants, located near bio-waste generation sites, and where the compost is applied. Reducing impacts at source, through a simple management of the bio-waste collection and treatment for self-sufficiency.
World population is constantly increasing from the current number of 7 billion to 9 billion in the year 2050, the amount of organic wastes generated from human, animal and agriculture activities would increase proportionally, causing more pollution problems to the environment. A significant challenge confronting engineers and scientists in developing countries is the search for appropriate solutions to the collection treatment and disposal or reuse of domestic waste.
The aim of SCOW, is developing low cost, technically simple and high quality bio-waste collection and recycling models in territories with touristic areas and agricultural activity. SCOW wants to build up a sustainable, innovative and local treatment of the bio-waste in decentralized small-scale composting plants, developed essentially in agricultural holdings situated near the bio-waste production areas in the partners’ territories.
It will contribute to improve general waste management. Compost improve soil structure and soil fertility, reducing desertification. By composting, we reduce global warming by using organic matter as soil improver instead of garbage in landfills. In addition, it will create new economic activity, even at waste collection and treatment sectors and compost selling. The project can lead other Mediterranean zones to reduce impacts at source, through a simple management of the bio-waste collection and treatment with the idea of self-sufficiency.
New collection schemes and decentralized small-scale composting facilities (minimum one facility per partner) will be implemented in Catalonia (Spain), Corsica (France), Genoa (Italy), Galilee (Israel), Palestine and Malta. // Partners Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona (Leader Partner) // Spain Development Agency Gal Genovese // Italy Local Councils’ Association // Malta House of Water and Environment // Palestine Upper Galilee Regional Council // Israel MIGAL – Galilee Research Institute // Israel SYVADEC (SIRET) // France Environment Park SpA // Italy // Associates ACR+ (Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management) ARC (Waste Agency of Catalonia) CRRSZZ (Rabat Region Salé Zemmour Zaer) Municipalité de Djerba Houmt Souk KEPA-Business and Cultural Development Centre