The Creation of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Tel-Hai Academic College Marks a Significant Milestone in the Development of a University in the Northeastern Region of Israel
Degani, G., Levanon, D., and Levy, Y.
Creative Education: 14, 1327-1333. 10.4236/ce.2023.146084
Academic Research, Higher Education, and Peripheral Development: The Case of Israel
prof. Gad Degani, Prof. Dan Levanon and PhD Gregory Yom Din
From Theory to Practice - Success in Implementing Drip Irrigation in Commercial Mushroom ( A. bisporus ) Cultivation
Ofer Danay, Paul Van den Berg , Dov Raz, Yoram Engel, Eran Kobi, Ilana Barski , Dan Levanon
Mushroom News 2017 Volume 65 Issue 3 Pages 4-7
Drip Irrigation in Mushroom Cultivation should be aligned with Common Practice.
Dov Raz, Ofer Danay, Paul Van den Berg, Yoram Engel, Eran Kobi, Ilana Barski, Pieter Van Der Meij and Dan Levanon
In 19th ISMS-conference ,2016, Baars & Sonnenberg Ed. ,ISMS Amsterdam The Netherlands, Pages 31-34
Extracts from Lentinula edodes (Shiitake), edible mushrooms, enriched with vitamin D2 exert an anti-inflammatory hepato-protective effect.
Drori, A., Shabat, Y., Ben Ya'acov, A., Danay, O., Levanon, D., Zolotarov, L. and Ilan, Y.
Journal of Medicinal Food 2016 Volume 19 Issue 4 Pages 1-7
Extracts of Vitamin D2 Enriched Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) mushrooms exert an Anti-Inflammatory Hepato-Protective Effect.
Dan Levanon, Sharon Avni, Yaron Ilan, Ariel Drori, Ami Ben Yaakov , Ofer Danay
In 19th ISMS-conference ,2016, Baars & Sonnenberg Ed. ,ISMS Amsterdam The Netherlands, Pages 237-240.
From Theory to Practice - Success in Implementing Drip Irrigation in Commercial Mushroom ( A. bisporus ) Cultivation.
Ofer Danay, Paul Van den Berg , Dov Raz, Yoram Engel, Eran Kobi, Ilana Barski , Dan Levanon
In 19th ISMS-conference ,2016, Baars & Sonnenberg Ed. ,ISMS Amsterdam The Netherlands,, Pages 27-30
Development of Suitable Irrigation Regime for a Summer Truffle (Tuber aestivum) Orchard in Israel.
Ofer Danay, Nirit Evov, Yoram Luzzati, Dan Levanon
In 19th ISMS-conference ,2016, Baars & Sonnenberg Ed. ,ISMS Amsterdam. The Netherlands, Pages 403-406.
Attempts to introduce black truffle in Israel
Danay, O., Ezov, N., Levanon, D., Luzzati,Y., Kagan-Zur,V. and Masaphy S.
1st Int. Con. On Truffle Research. Vic. Barcelona, Spain. 2014
Cultivation of Tuber aestivum in northern Israel
Danay, O., Evov, N., Luzati, Y. and Levanon, D.
The 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. New Delhi, India. 2014
Drip irrigation, an alternative way for watering, during Agaricus bisporus cultivation
Danay, O., Raz, D. and Levanon, D.
The 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. New Delhi, India. 2014
Drip irrigation: a new way to supply water for the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus
World Soc. Mush.Biol.Mush.Prod.Bulletin 2013 Volume 9
Recycling lignocellulosic wastes for mushroom production and cattle feed
Danay, O., Ezov , N., Yosef , E. and Levanon, D.
Mushroom Science 2012 Volume XVIII Pages 875-880
Recycling of spent mushroom substrates (SMS) in Avocado orchards
Danai, O., Cohen, H., Ezov, N., Yehieli, N. and Levanon, D.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 2012 Volume 2 Issue 11 Pages 1165 ? 1170
The development of a new concept and system for watering during Agaricus bisporus cultivation
Danay,O., Kadosh, R., Raz, D., Yasinov ,G., Ezov, N., Miron ,M., Hadar ,Y. and Levanon , D.
Mushroom Science 2012 Volume XVIII Pages 863-868
Danai, O., Ezov, N., Rabinovitz, O. and Levanon, D.
Proc. 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Arcachon. France. 398-402. 2011
Danai, O., Cohen, H., Ezov, N., Yehieli, N. and Levanon, D.
7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Arcachon. France.357-365. 2011
The impact of waste's composition, on composting and cultivation procedures of mushrooms.
Danai, O., Ezov, N., Levanon, D.
Proc. 6th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Bonn .52-53. 2008
Intrahepatic CD8+ lymphocyte trapping during tolerance induction using mushroom derived formulations: A possible role for liver in tolerance induction
M. Shuvy; T. Hershcovici; C. Lull-Noguera; H. Wichers; O. Danay; D. Levanon; L. Zolotarov; Y. Ilan
World Journal of Gastroenterology 2008 Volume 14 Issue 24 Pages 3872-3878
Introduction of new exotic mushroom species into cultivation in Israel
O. Danai; N. Ezov; D. Levanon; S. Masaphy
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 2008 Volume 56 Issue 4 Pages 295-301
Olive mill waste as a substrate for the cultivation of Pleurotus spp.
Soler-Rivas,C., Ferreira Polonia, M. I.G.D., Duarte,J.C.,. Wichers, H. J.and Levanon,D.
Mushrooms Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. keynote lecture. Bonn, Germany. 2008
The contribution of information and communication technologies ( ICT) to the management of agricultural research.
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Mushroom Production
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Environmental aspects of growing mushrooms
Levanon, D. and Danai, O.
In Manual for Growing Pleurotus spp. ,2002, Jose .E. Sanchez and Daniel.J. Royse Ed. ,ECOSUR-UTEHA, Noriega Editors Mexico, Pages 259-271
Selection of substrates for mushroom cultivation and Spawn production
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