Prof. (Emeritus) Gad Degani

Prof. (Emeritus) Gad Degani
Research Group Leader

Biology and Physiology of Fish and Amphibians
This field involves research into species of fish and amphibians that are less well known. The areas of research are: reproduction growth and nutrition in nature and behavior. In addition, certain aspects of environmental physiology of species of fish and amphibians are under examination: the objects of this aspect of research is the study of metabolism, and the influence of temperature on growth, the physiological adaptation of amphibians to their environment, in water economy and the control of body fluids under the influence of different environmental conditions of moisture and temperature, especially salinity tolerance and osmoregulation. These are studies in the fields of comparative and environmental physiology.

Nutrition of Fish and Amphibians
This research can be divided into a number of areas. A portion deals with the natural food of animals. Another portion involves efforts to improve the formulation of artificial food for fish (a) through learning the chemical body composition of fish, and from this determining the percentages of its required ingredients; (b) through examining the value of protein in fish food; (c) examining the value of fats,); (d) examining the value of carbohydrates. At present, work in nutrition concentrates on the development of the formulation of food for tropical fish.

The Influence of Hormones on the Growth and Reproduction of Fish (molecular endocrinology)
Current work concerns the steroids and other hormones of fish, and their influence on various processes in fish, in particular growth, body composition, food requirements and enzymatic processes . Particularly worth mentioning is the breakthrough in which Prof. Degani has shown that growth hormones and insulin can be absorbed into the body of the fish through oral administration: up to that time it was thought that whole proteins could not be absorbed into the bloodstream via the gills or the digestive system. Further work on the reproductive system has shown that other proteinous hormones can be administered in the same way, e.g., gonadotropin. Present research work concerns hormonal control of reproduction.

Animals in the Ecological System and Environmental Behavior
Dr Degani's work on the ecology of water systems concentrates mainly on the interrelationship between various animals and their aquatic ecosystems, especially environmental influences such as water quality and food, the prime factors in animal interaction. There is an additional interest in behavioral models of animals in nature, aiming to establish how the animal adapts itself to its environment through its behavior


Ph.D. 1979, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University
M.Sc. 1976, Department of Biology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

Academic and research experience
Since 2008-2013: Chairperson, M.Sc. Program, Department of Biotechnology, Tel Hai College
Since 1998: Professor, Tel-Hai College Faculty of Sciences and Technology
Since 1997: Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University
Since 1986-2011: Scientific Director, MIGAL - Galilee Technology Center
1999 – 2003: Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Tel-Hai College
1987 – 1999: Academic Director of Agriculture, Tel-Hai College
1994: Visiting Professor, University of Maryland
1993: Adjunct Professor, East Carolina University, NC
1991: Visiting Scientist, City University of New York, Brooklyn College
1990-2000 Head of Golan Research institute
1983 – 1984: Visiting Scientist, East Carolina University, NC, USA
1981 – 1982: Research Associate, Department of Biology, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Since 1979: Lecturer, Tel-Hai College Faculty of Sciences and Technology and researcher at MIGAL - Galilee Technological Center.


Degani, G. & Gallagher, M.L. (1995). Growth and Nutrition of Eels. Israel: Laser Pages Publishing.

Degani, G. (1996). The Salamander at the Southern Limit of its Distribution. Israel: Laser Pages Publishing. 1996 Salamandra Israel PDF.pdf

Degani, G. (2001). Blue Gourami (Truchogaster Trichopterus) Model for Labyrinth Fish. Israel: Laser Pages Publishing. 2001 Blue Gourami Book PDF.pdf

Degani, G. & Yom-Din, G. (2005). Research on New Fish Species for Aquaculture in Northern Israel. Haifa, Israel: Ayalon Offset Ltd. 2005 New Fish North Israel Book  PDF.pdf

Degani, G. 2019. The Fire Salamandra (Salamandra infraimmaculata) and the Banded Newt (Triturus vittatus) Along the Southern Border of Their. Published by Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61896-693-3. 2019 THE FIRE SALAMANDRA E-book.pdf

Degani, G. (2022). Interaction of Sexual Behavior and Hormone Gene Expression in the Labyrinthici Fish Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) during Reproduction. 2022 Link to the book.

Scientific Publications

Sex Differences in the Brain Transcriptomes of Adult Blue Gourami Fish (Trichogaster trichopterus)

Fishes 2024, 9, 287.

Biological Adaptations of Anuran Species across Diverse Habitats, Spanning Mediterranean to Desert Climates

Degani, G.
Scientific Research Publishing. 1-92

Transcriptome variation in banded newt (Ommatotriton vittatus) during its life cycle and habitat transition

Degani, G. and Meerson, A
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics:50, 1-10. 101203.2024

Transcriptome variation in banded newt (Ommatotriton vittatus) during its life cycle and habitat transition

Gad Degani , Ari Meerson
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics
Volume 50, June 2024, 101203.

Skin Mucus Metabolites in Salamandra Infraimmaculata from Various Habitats

Gad Degani, Eliav Peretz1 and Sanaa Musa
Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition

Correlation between Kisspeptin 2 and its Receptors in Blue Gourami Fish (Trichogaster trichopterus), and its Role in Reproduction

Degani, G
Advanced Research in Biological Science Vol. 3, 14 August 2023 , Page 1-22

The Genetic Diversity of Triturus vittatus vittatus (Synonym Ommatotriton vittatus) Along the Southern Border of its Distribution

Degani, G
Chapter 6. Print ISBN: 978-81-19491-40-7, eBook ISBN: 978-81-19491-41-4.

Studies on Oocyte Development in Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) Fry Involves Several Stages

Degani, G.
Chapter 7. Print ISBN: 978-81-19491-40-7, eBook ISBN: 978-81-19491-41-4

Russian Sturgeon Acclimatization in Northern Israel: Nutrition, Reproduction, and Growth. Michigan Journal of Animal Science and Technology

Michigan Journal of Animal Science and Technology. Volume 01 Issue 1, 1-36
Michigan Journal of Animal Science and Technology. Volume 01 Issue 1, 1-36

The Creation of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Tel-Hai Academic College Marks a Significant Milestone in the Development of a University in the Northeastern Region of Israel

Degani, G., Levanon, D., and Levy, Y.
Creative Education: 14, 1327-1333. 10.4236/ce.2023.146084

Eastern Fire Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) Skin Mucus Metabolites – LC-MS/MS Analysis

Degani, G., Ish Am, G. Yatom, N. Khatib, S. and Sanaa Musa
Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies. EAES.000747. 10(5).1187-1194

The Yellow Spot Pattern of Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) in Various Habitats at the Southern Border of Its Distribution in Israel

Degani, G., Am, G.I., Am, A.B.I., Yatom, N., Marshansky, A., Margalit, S., Nissim, E., Goldstein, H. and Shaked, N.
Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 13, 114-125

Whole-genome inter-sex variation in Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

Degani G, Nevo M, Hajouj A, Hurvitz A, Veksler-Lublinsky I, Meerson A.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(16), 9469

Cross-species conservation of a transposase-linked element enables genetic sexing of commercial populations of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

Curzon AY, Shirak A, Meerson A, Degani G, Hurvitz A, Ben-Naim N, Domovitz R, Ron M and Seroussi E.
Animal Genetics. 2022;00:1–6

External And Internal Factors Affecting Growth and Sex Differentiation in European Eels, Anguilla anguilla

Prof. Gad Degani

Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) Acclimatization to Optimal Growth Conditions—A Case Study of Adaptation, Nutrition, Reproduction, and Sex Determination

Gad Degani
Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 12, 629-661

Whole-Genome Inter-Sex Variation in Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

Gad Degani, Michal Nevo Sarel, Akram Hajouj, Avshalom Hurvitz, Isana Veksler-Lublinsky,
and Ari Meerson
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

A Business Analysis of Innovations in Aquaculture: Evidence from Israeli Sturgeon Caviar Farm

Gad Degani and Gregory Yom Din
Businesses 2022, 2(3), 290-299

A Business Analysis of Innovations in Aquaculture: Evidence from Israeli Sturgeon Caviar Farm

Gad Degani and Gregory Yom Din
Businesses 2022, 2(3), 290-299

Cross-species conservation of a transposase-linked element enables genetic sexing of commercial populations of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

Curzon, A.Y., Shirak, A., Meerson, A., Degani, G., Hurvitz, A., Naama Ben-Naim, N., Domovitz, R. Ron, M., Seroussi, E. 2022.
Animal Genetics, 00, 1– 6

Changes in Tree Frog (Hyla savignyi) Coloration in Unstable Habitats at the Southern Border of Its Distribution


Markers of Genetic Variation in Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) as a Model for Labyrinth Fish

Degani G, Veksler-Lublinsky I, Meerson A
Biology, 10(3), 228

Markers of Genetic Variation in Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) as a Model for Labyrinth Fish

G Degani, I Veksler-Lublinsky, A Meerson

Biology 10 (3), 228

Academic Research, Higher Education, and Peripheral Development: The Case of Israel

prof. Gad Degani, Prof. Dan Levanon and PhD Gregory Yom Din

Study of the Habitats, Burrowing Behavior, Physiological Adaptation and Life Cycle of Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates syriacus, Boettger, 1869) at the Southern Limit of Its Distribution in Israel

Current Research in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Vol. 3, 27-36