Dr. Sanaa Musa

Principal Investigator
Dr. Sanaa Musa
Research Group Leader
Research Group Leader
Research Group Leader

Higher Education In chronological order (from old to new)

2005- 2009  B. Sc. in chemistry, Technion – the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa.

2010-2014 Ph.D. (Direct Track) in organic and organometallic chemistry, department of organic chemistry, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Supervisor: Prof. Dmitri Gelman.Dissertation title: “Ligand-Metal Cooperation in PC(sp3)P Pincer Complexes” The PhD research was acknowledged by Wolf foundation, and I was honored with the Wolf prize for excellent PhD student.

Oct 2014- Feb 2015  Post-Doc Researcher, Max-Planck institute for coal research, Mulheim-Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Benjamin List (Nobel Prize 2021) Research subject: Pincer- type complexes in enantioselective synthesis.



October 21-August 23  Lecturer, Tel-Hai Academic College, Department of Biotechnology. Courses: Organic chemistry, organic chemistry laboratory, and general chemistry.

September 23-present  Senior lecturer, Tel-Hai Academic College, Department of Biotechnology. Courses: Organic chemistry, organic chemistry laboratory, and general chemistry.


Research Grants    In chronological order (from old to new)

2022- Nitric Oxide donors-based cannabinoid skeleton as a privileged scaffold for bifunctional therapeutic molecule, Tel-Hai academic college, 40,000NIS, with Dr. Andrea Sapir. (PI)

2023-Microencapsulation of mushroom extracts and evaluating their ability to extend the shelf-life of foods, Tel-Hai academic college, 20,000 NIS, with Prof. Segula Masaphy. (Co-PI)

2023-2024- Synthesis of natural lipids which attenuate atherosclerosis via improving HDL functions, Migal Institute (internal grant), 250,000NIS, with Prof. Soliman Khatib and Dr. Roee Gottman. (Co-PI)

2023- Using click-chemistry to identify the potential receptor of a polyketoide lactone, patulin, in P. expansum towards the development of disruption strategies interfering with patulin binding as anti-fungal treatments against post-harvest diseases, ICA-Israel, 70,000 NIS, with Dr. Livnat Jurnou. (Co-PI)


Awards and Fellowships     In chronological order (from old to new)

  1. Dean’s list of excellent students, Technion, 2006 and 2007. 
  2. Excellent poster in the 77th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 2011.
  3. Casali Scholarship for Applied Research, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2012.
  4. Fellowship for Women in Science by the Ministry of Science, 2013 (declined).
  5. Fellowship of the Council for Higher Education for excellent students from the Arab sector, 2013 and 2014.
  6. Wolf Foundation Prize, 2014. 
  7. Post-doctoral fellowship for women in science for excellent student by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem- Israel, 2014-2015. 
  8. Minerva fellowship for post-doctoral studies, 2015-2016. 
  9. Excellence in teaching, Tel-Hai Academic College, 2022.
  10. Excellence In teaching, Tel-Hai Academic College, 2023. 
  11. Ma'of Fellowship for Arab Society in Israeli Academic Institutions. The Council for Higher Education, Israel. 2023-2026


Non-Academic Activity & Positions    In chronological order (from old to new)

2015-2016 Researcher in research and development department. Adama Makhteshim, Beer Sheva, Israel.

2016-2019 Group Leader at Research and Development department. Salzman Group (SG), Katzrin-Golan Heights, Israel.

May 2019 Research and Development researcher. Salzman Group and Chilmark Labs, Albuquerque, New-Mexico, USA.

June 2019-Feb 2020 Senior Research and Development researcher at StoreDot and MolecuLed, Herzliya, Israel.

March 20-October 22 Research and Development manager, Nuversys- Kiryat Shmona.

May 22- December 22 Research associate, department of Natural Compounds and Analytical Chemistry, Migal-Galilee Research Institute, Kiryat-Shmona.

January 23- present Principal investigator, Nutrition and Natural Compounds Department, Migal-Galilee Research Institute, Kiryat Shmona.  



  1. A stable food-grade microcapsule for the delivery of unstable and food-incompatible active ingredients to food products, Nuversys ltd. WO 2021176445A1.
  2. Electrolyte additives for fast charging lithium ion batteries, StoreDot ltd. WO 20210234197.
  3. Assistant dyes for color conversion in LCD displays. MolecuLED Ltd. WO 20210191198.
  4. Methods for synthesis of cannabinoids compounds. Beetlebung pharma ltd. WO 2020031179A1.
  5. Synthesis of cannabidiol prodrugs for treating various disorders. WO 2018096504 A1 20180531. 
  6. Salzman group ltd. Synthesis of 5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-4-ethylsulfanyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile and related compounds. WO 2019097306 Adama Makhteshim ltd. 
  7. Process of preparation of indoxacarb and its intermediates.  Adama Makhteshim ltd.

Scientific Publications

Unveiling the chemical composition and health-promoting activities of Hericium spp. Fungi: A Comprehensive Overview.

Kostanda, E; Musa, S. and Pereman, I. (2024)
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 5949.

Dehydrogenative Cross-Coupling of Primary and Secondary Alcohols

Musa, S.; Ackermann, L. and Gelman. D (2013)
Adv. Synth. Catal. 355: 3077–3080. (IF 5.981, Q1)

Skin mucus metabolites in Salamandra infraimmaculata from various habitats, Endocrinol.

Degani, G.; Peretz E. and Musa, S.
Metab. Nutr, 2 (1), 1.

PON1 has palmitoyl-protein thioesterase (PPT) activity, and can affect the presence of SR-B1 on the endothelial cell membrane.

Ashkar, R.; Khattib, A.; Musa, S.; Goldberg, D. and Khatib, S.

Eastern Fire Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) Skin Mucus Metabolites – LC-MS/MS Analysis

Degani, G.; Ish-Am G.; Yatom N.; Khatib, S. and Musa, S.
Environ Anal Eco stud., 000747, 10(5).

Skin Mucus Metabolites in Salamandra Infraimmaculata from Various Habitats

Gad Degani, Eliav Peretz1 and Sanaa Musa
Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition

S-Nitrosylation of Paraxonase 1 (PON1) Elevates Its Hydrolytic and Antioxidant Activities

Hajouj, H.; Khattib, A.; Atrahimovich, D.; Musa, S. and Khatib, Soliman
Biomolecules 12(3), 414. (IF 6.064, Q1)

Lyso-DGTS Lipid Derivatives Enhance PON1 Activities and Prevent Oxidation of LDL: A Structure–Activity Relationship Study

Khattib, A.; Musa, S.; Halabi, M.; Hayek T. and Khatib, S.
Antioxidants 2022, 11(10), 2058. (IF 7.675, Q1)

Synthesis and characterization of chiral enantiopure PC(sp3)P and their complexes

Radchenko, Y.; Mujahed, Sh.; Musa, S. and Gelman. D
Inoorganica Chimica Acta, 521, 120350. (IF 3.118, Q2)

Ir(III)-PC(sp3)P Bifunctional Catalysts for Production of H2 by Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid: Experimental and Theoretical Study

Cohen, S.; Borin, V.; Schapiro, I.; Musa, S.; De-Botton, S. and Gelman. D
ACS Catal.: 7 (12), 8139-8146. (IF 13.700, Q1)

Coordination versatility of p-hydroquinone-functionalized dibenzobarrelene-based PC(sp3)P pincer ligands

De-Botton, S.; Romm, R.; Bensoussan, G.; Hitrik, M.; Musa, S. and Gelman D.
Dalton Trans.:45 (40), 16040 - 16046. (IF 4.569, Q1)

Efficient E-Selective Transfer Semihydrogenation of Alkynes by Means of Ligand-Metal Cooperating Ruthenium catalyst

Musa, S.; Ghosh, A.; Vaccaro, L.; Ackermann, L. and Gelman. D
Adv. Synth. Catal.: 357, 2351–2357. (IF 5.981, Q1)

onformational Flexibility of Dibenzobarrelene-Based PC(sp3)P Pincer Iridium Hydride Complexes: The Role of Hemilabile Functional Groups and External Coordinating Solvents

Silantyev, G. A.; Filippov, O. A.; Musa, S.; Gelman, D.; Belkova, N. V.; Weisz, K.; Epstein, L. M.; Shubina E. S. C .
Organometallics: 33 , 5964–5973. (IF 3.837, Q1)

Conformational Flexibility of Dibenzobarrelene-Based PC(sp3)P Pincer Iridium Hydride Complexes: The Role of Hemilabile Functional Groups and External Coordinating Solvents

Silantyev, G. A.; Filippov, O. A.; Musa, S.; Gelman, D.; Belkova, N. V.; Weisz, K.; Epstein, L. M.; Shubina E. S.
Organometallics: 33 , 5964–5973. (IF 3.837, Q1)

Formation of alkyne during degradation of Metal-Alkylindyne complexes

Levy, O.; Musa, S; Bino, A.
Dalton Trans. 42: 12248-12251. (IF 4.569, Q1)

Bifunctional Ru(II) PCP Pincer Complexes and Their Catalytic Activity in Acceptorless Dehydrogenative reactions

Musa, S.; Fronton, S.; Vaccaro, L. and Gelman. D
Organometallics 32: 3069-3073. (IF 3.837, Q1)

igand-Metal Cooperating PC(sp3)P Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in Olefin Hydroformylation

Musa, S.; Filippov, O. A.; Belkova N. V.: Shubina, E. S.; Silantyev, G. A.; Ackermann, L. and Gelman, D. L
Chem. – Eur. J. 19: 16906-16909. (IF 5.020, Q2)

Ligand-Metal Cooperating PC(sp3)P Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in Olefin Hydroformylation

Musa, S.; Filippov, O. A.; Belkova N. V.: Shubina, E. S.; Silantyev, G. A.; Ackermann, L. and Gelman, D.
Chem. – Eur. J. 19: 16906-16909. (IF 5.020, Q2)

Dehydrogenation of Alcohols under Ambient Atmosphere by a Recyclable Sol-Gel Encaged Iridium Pincer Catalyst

Oded, K.; Musa, S.; Gelman, D. and Blum, J.
Catalysis Commun. 20:68-70. (IF 3.510, Q3)

New PC(sp3)P Pincer Complexes of Platinum

Musa, S.; Shpruhman, A. and Gelman, D.
J. Organomet. Chem. 699:92-95. (IF 2.345, Q3)

Coordination Versatility of sp3-Hybridized Pincer Ligands toward Ligand-Metal Cooperative Catalysis

Gelman, D. and Musa, S.
ACS Catalysis 2:2456-2466. Invited perspective. (IF 13.700, Q1

Ligand-Metal Cooperation in PCP Pincer Complexes: Rational Design and Catalytic Activity in Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Alcohols

Musa, S.; Shaposhnikov, I.; Cohen, S. and Gelman, D.
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 50: 3533-3537. (IF 16.823, Q1)

New Possible Mode of Metal-Ligand Cooperation in PCP Pincer Complexes

Musa, S.; Romm, R.; Kozuch, S. and Gelman, D.
Dalton Trans. 40:8760-8763. Invited manuscript. (IF 4.569, Q1)