Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry

Applied scientific research, specializing in the fields of biotechnology, environmental and agriculture sciences

Dr. Sanaa Musa


                                           "Where Chemistry Meets Creativity"


Our research group specializes in the design, synthesis, and characterization of various bioactive molecules, with a particular emphasis on their potential applications in drug discovery research. We integrate organic and medicinal chemistry, analytical techniques, and biological evaluation to develop novel therapeutic candidates.


Our lab is equipped with advanced analytical instruments to support our cutting-edge research in drug design and molecular characterization:  LCMS, GCMS, HPLC, combiflash, benchtop NMR, etc. 

These instruments allow us to conduct precise and efficient characterization, ensuring high-quality data for all aspects of our research.


Our group members:

Larisa Yaval, Lab manager

Eliav Peterz, Master student 

Oriyan Cohen, Master student 

Lee Dayan, Master student 

Noor Amara, Master student (with Prof. Jamal Mahajna)

Gil Dinnar, undergraduate student


Former Group Members:

Yuval Peretz, Lab manager 

Nao Ashkenazi, undergraduate student 

Nitzan Aharonovitz, undergradutae student 


Principal Researcher

Latest Publications

Chaga Mushroom Triterpenoids Inhibit Dihydrofolate Reductase and Act Synergistically with Conventional Therapies in Breast Cancer

Wang, J., Beghelli, D., Amici, A., Sut, S., Dall’Acqua, S., Lupidi, G., Dal Ben, D., Bistoni, O., Tomassoni, D., Belletti, B., Musa, S., Mahajna, J., Pucciarelli, S., & Marchini, C.
Biomolecules, 14(11), 1454

Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Novel Cannabidiol-Based Derivatives with Potent Antioxidant Activities

Peretz, E. & Musa, S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Advances in Chiral Pincer Complexes: Insights and Applications in Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions

Musa, S., Peretz, Y. & Dinnar, G.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(19)

Unveiling the chemical composition and health-promoting activities of Hericium spp. Fungi: A Comprehensive Overview.

Kostanda, E; Musa, S. and Pereman, I. (2024)
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 5949.

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