Principal Researcher
Prof. (Emeritus) Dan Levanon
Agricultural Biotechnology of Fungi
The mushroom research group at MIGAL is the only unit in Israel, that deals with applied research and development of mushroom cultivation and mushroom products.
Latest Publications
The Creation of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Tel-Hai Academic College Marks a Significant Milestone in the Development of a University in the Northeastern Region of Israel
Creative Education: 14, 1327-1333. 10.4236/ce.2023.146084
Academic Research, Higher Education, and Peripheral Development: The Case of Israel
From Theory to Practice - Success in Implementing Drip Irrigation in Commercial Mushroom ( A. bisporus ) Cultivation
Mushroom News 2017 Volume 65 Issue 3 Pages 4-7
Extracts of Vitamin D2 Enriched Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) mushrooms exert an Anti-Inflammatory Hepato-Protective Effect.
In 19th ISMS-conference ,2016, Baars & Sonnenberg Ed. ,ISMS Amsterdam The Netherlands, Pages 237-240.