Plants Ecology and Remote Sensing by Drones

Dr. Moshe Meron

Principal Researcher

Dr. Moshe Meron

Dr. Moshe Meron
Plants Ecology and Remote Sensing by Drones

My research is involved in plant-soil-water relations research for efficient use of water and optimization of returns. Our research provides direct support to farming operations in the Galilee.

Latest Publications

Chemical, Hydrological and Climatological Properties of Lake Agmon, Hula Valley (Israel), (1994-2006).

Gophen, M, M. Meron, Y. Tsipris, V. Orlov-Levine, and M. Peres.
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology 2016 Volume 6 Pages 8-18

Foliage temperature extraction from thermal imagery for crop water stress determination

M. Meron; M. Sprintsin; J. Tsipris; V. Alchanatis; Y. Cohen
Precision Agriculture 2013 Volume 14 Issue 5 Pages 467-477

Crop water stress mapping for site-specific irrigation by thermal imagery and artificial reference surfaces

M. Meron; J. Tsipris; V. Orlov; V. Alchanatis; Y. Cohen
Precision Agriculture 2010 Volume 11 Issue 2 Pages 148-162

Evaluation of different approaches for estimating and mapping crop water status in cotton with thermal imaging

V. Alchanatis; Y. Cohen; S. Cohen; M. Moller; M. Sprinstin; M. Meron; J. Tsipris; Y. Saranga; E. Sela
Precision Agriculture 2010 Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 27-41