Bio-Molecular Bacterial Mastery

Our lab mission is to explore how bacteria are communicating with each other, better understand how bacteria shape the species composition of their community, and examine whether we could apply molecules which are naturally used by bacteria for rational design of bacterial communities.

Dr. Ruth Cohen-Khait

About the lab

The lab works in two directions which crosstalk: 

1. The ecological line - explores natural bacterial communities, examines their genomic reservoir, and searches for community composition shaping genes

2. The molecular line - which investigates the mechanisms of function of protein based naural antibiotics



Principal Researcher

Latest Publications

Peptidoglycan maturation controls outer membrane protein assembly

Gideon Mamou, Federico Corona, Ruth Cohen-Khait, Nicholas G Housden, Vivian Yeung, Dawei Sun, Pooja Sridhar, Manuel Pazos, Timothy J Knowles, Colin Kleanthous, Waldemar Vollmer

Colicin-mediated transport of DNA through the iron transporter FepA

Ruth Cohen-Khait, Ameya Harmalkar, Phuong Pham, Melissa N Webby, Nicholas G Housden, Emma Elliston, Jonathan TS Hopper, Shabaz Mohammed, Carol V Robinson, Jeffrey J Gray, Colin Kleanthous

Imaging bacterial membrane vesicles with a delicate touch

Ruth Cohen-Khait
Nature Reviews Microbiology

Selecting for fast protein–protein association as demonstrated on a random TEM1 yeast library binding BLIP

Ruth Cohen-Khait, Gideon Schreiber

Lab News

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