Lab Website
We are using computational tools, molecular dynamics, and experimental structural biology to explore how very local protein structure is formed. We are investigating how segments of the protein chain can adopt alternate local conformations, how cellular translation shape that process and the implications for protein function.
We are currently investigating the following specific research directions:
(a) We have developed an “amino-domino” model that uses amino acid pairs to model local sub-secondary structure and are now characterising the effect of adjacent amino acids on point mutations.
(b) We are looking at flexible protein sequences to develop models for very local protein structure that could be used to understand the behaviour of intrinsically disordered proteins.
(c) Using molecular dynamics we have identified intrinsically stable dual protein conformations. We are now using X-ray crystallography to follow the distribution of conformations under different expression and folding conditions. We are also using CryEM to image the nascent chains in the ribosome exit tunnel, probing for either uni or bimodal distributions of conformations.
Website ailiemarx.com
Academic positions
from 2023 Principal Investigator Migal – Galilee Research Institute
from 2024 Senior Lecturer Tel-Hai College
2020 – 2023 Researcher Bronstein Group, Department of Computer Science,Technion, Israel
2016 - 2020 Writing Consultant Research Authority, Technion, Israel.
2015 – 2016 Researcher Kaplan Group, Faculty of Biology, Technion, Israel
2011 – 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow Alian Group, Faculty of Biology, Technion, Israel
2002 Research Chemist Australian Therapeutic Goods Association Education
2011 Ph.D. Faculty of Chemistry, Technion, Israel (Mentor: Noam Adir)
2008 M.A. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Haifa, Israel
2006 M.Sc. Faculty of Chemistry, Technion, Israel (Mentor: Noam Adir)
2003 B.Sc. Australian National University, Australia
Scientific Publications
For a complete list of publications please see Dr. Marxs' Google Scholar page (https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=yTtz1QoAAAAJ&hl=en)
Awards and Honors
2013 Best Presentation - Israeli Crystallography Association Meeting
2013 Most Outstanding Oral Presentation – Faculty of Biology Annual Retreat
2011 Klartag Prize for excellence in Biochemistry
Awarded once per year for outstanding graduate work in biochemistry
2009 Invited participant of the 59th Lindau Nobel Meeting
Reviewer as part of the alumni network
2008 Shulich Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Technion
I consistently obtain a top 10% score in teaching