Our main interest is understanding the role of porous medium heterogeneity and unsaturated flow conditions in environmental solute transport phenomena.
Principal Researcher
Dr. Oshri Borgman
Flow and Transport in Porous Media
I am an environmental hydrology and soil science researcher, mainly interested in fundamental processes and mechanisms controlling water flow and solute transport and mixing in environmental porous media.
Latest Publications
Solute Front Shear and Coalescence Control Concentration Gradient Dynamics in Porous Micromodel
AGU Journals, Geophysical Research Letters
Direct visualization of colloid transport over natural heterogeneous and artificial smooth rock surfaces
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Volume 251, 104067
Impact of matrix deformations on drying of granular materials
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 153:119634
Immiscible fluid displacement in porous media with spatially correlated particle sizes
Advances in Water Resources, 128:158–167
Lab News
Contact Information
Oshri Borgman