
Prof. Gideon Gross

Principal Researcher

Latest Publications

Regulatory CD4+ T cells redirected against pathogenic CD8+ T cells protect NOD mice from development of autoimmune diabetes

Kakabadse, D., Chen, D., Fishman, S., Weinstein-Marom, H., Davies, J., Wen, L., Gross, G. & Wong, F.S.
Frontiers in Immunology. 15:1463971

Combined expression of genetic adjuvants exerts multiple immunostimulatory effects on antitumor T cells.

Weinstein-Marom, H., Levin, N., Pato, A., Peretz, T., Eisenberg, G., Lotem, M., Itzhaki, O., Besser, M.J. and Gross, G.
J. Immunother. 42, 43-50. 2019

Endowing human CD8 T cells with a veto-like recognition capacity via the electroporation of MHC-I/CD3zeta mRNA.

Weissberg, O. and Gross, G.

Transpl. Immuno., Aug;55:101202, 2019

MHC-I presentation of distinct antigenic peptides derived from protein products of the pioneer round of translation

Weinstein-Marom, H., Hendel, L., Avigad-Laron, E., Margalit, A. and Gross, G.
FASEB. J. 33, 11458-11468.