Principal Researcher
Professor Dror Noy
Securing environmentally friendly sustainable energy sources to meet the demands of a growing world population is one of the most important challenges for science in the 21st century.
Svetlana Yomdin
Photosystem I remodeling
Prabir Kumar Das
Chen Cohen
Design and characterization of multi chromophore binding chlorophyll proteins.
Vinzenz Bayro-Kaiser
Gur Arie Yehuda (Guri) Braun
enhancing photosynthesis yield. Multidimensional spectroscopy.
Yigal Lahav
Theoretical chemistry (QM/MM), molecular dynamics and spectroscopy of chlorophyll protein complexes
Bella Krinfeld
Water-soluble chlorophyll proteins
Former Group Members
Dr. Bhanu P. Jagilinki
Dr. Satyabala Neelam
Dr. Dominika Bednarczyk
Dr. Oded Liran
Dr. Alonso Zavaleta Fernandez de Cordova
Dr. Vadivel Prabahar
Adnan Abu Ria
Rima Horshid
Chen Erlich
David Bernstein
Latest Publications
The amphibian antimicrobial peptide uperin 3.5 is a cross-α/cross-β chameleon functional amyloid
The phycobilisome core‐membrane linkers from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and red‐algae assemble in the same topology
Spectral tuning of chlorophylls in proteins – electrostatics vs. ring deformation
Contact Information
Research Group Leader
Professor Dror Noy
Lab Manager
Svetlana Yomdin