Hydrogeology and Examination of Soil Fertility

The primary mission of the hydro-geochemistry laboratory is to study problems and provide solutions in the field of environmental geochemistry.

Prof. Michael (Iggy) Litaor


At present, several projects are underway:

  • Evaluation of the use of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals (Al/Fe-WTR) to recapture phosphorous from agro-industrial wastewaters (WW) and reapply it as fertilizer in selected crops.
  • Development of new technologies that involve integrated systems, including the use of halophytes to treat dairy WW by removing sodium, enabling use of the WW for irrigation.
  • Testing the combined application of compost and zeolites to improve the nutrient status of selected crops (we recently introduced this idea of improving initial planting conditions in a re-afforestation study of semi-arid and Mediterranean watersheds).
  • A study of specialized wetland techniques of nutrient removal from soil leachates in intensive farming settings.
  • Evaluation of the impact of eco-tourism practices on the fate and transport of N and P in reconstructed wetland complexes.

Most recently, we have begun exploring an integrated system of proximal soil survey techniques and advanced geo-statistical methodologies, coupled with advanced computations, to evaluate the spatial variations of soil fertility in the context of precision agriculture.

The research in the hydro-geochemistry lab is currently supported by grants from the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, the US-Israel BARD project, and the BRIGAID project of Horizon 2020.

Principal Researcher

Latest Publications

Monitoring multiyear individual tree flowering and yield reveals high variation among ‘Pinkerton’avocado trees

Rubinovich, L., Sofer-Arad, C., Chernoivanov, S., Szenes, N., & Noy, M. (2024)
N. Z. J. Crop Hortic

Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics in Aluminum-Based Water Treatment Residuals Reacted with Dairy Wastewater, Part I: Isotherms, XRD, and SEM-EDS Analysis

Zohar, I., M. S. Massey, J.A. Ippolito, and M. I. Litaor.
Journal Environemental Quality 2018 Volume 47 Issue 3 Pages 538-545

Phosphorus sorption to aluminum-based water treatment residuals reacted with dairy wastewa¬ter, Part II: X-ray adsorption spectroscopy.

Massey, M.S., I. Zohar, J.A. Ippolito, and M.I. Litaor.
Journal Environmental Quality 2018 Volume 47 Issue 3 Pages 546-553

The impact of olive mill wastewater spreading on soils using integrated approach of proximal soil survey, spatial, and multivariate analyses

M. Iggy Litaor & Nanak Khadya
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 Volume 25 Pages 7469?7478

Contact Information

Research Group Leader
Prof. Michael (Iggy) Litaor